Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cooking Day, part 2!

So, what's that about the best laid plans? Yeah, mine fell apart after a night of grouchy babies. What did I get done?

Hmmm, let's see. First thing in the morning, the stockpot came out of the fridge and onto the burner. The crockpot and rice cooker had black beans and chickpeas, respectively, and they were both drained, rinsed, and refilled with water, then turned on.

The only thing I really got done was bagging everything up. The burritos haven't been made yet, nor the muffins, nor the biscuit mix. But honestly, that's the beauty of cooking ahead. I can jump in where I am, since I'm "banking" the food and sticking it in the freezer or pantry. Hopefully, I can get the biscuit mix made up tonight or tomorrow, since I have some quick dinners that call for biscuit mix!

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